Introduce Yourself in English: How to Introduce Yourself in English? note these things

Introduce Yourself in English: How to Introduce Yourself in English? note these things

choice of words also becomes important.

If you are introducing yourself to a professional, then choosing the right words and some preparation beforehand is essential. It is important to answer these 3 questions in your introduction.

Let's know the important things.Introduce Yourself: When you introduce yourself to someone in English, the 

Introduce Yourself in English

How to Introduce Yourself in English:  The first step in a conversation is to introduce yourself to someone. This task can be a bit difficult because often we do not understand what to include in our introduction.

The choice of words is also important when you introduce yourself to someone in English. If you are introducing yourself to a professional, then choosing the right words and some preparation beforehand is essential.

It is important to answer these 3 questions in your introduction.

Who are you?

In the first part of the introduction, describe who you are. Start with your name. Some may use good English phrases. 


- Nice to meet you. I am ...

- Let me introduce myself. I am...

- My name is ... and I am glad to meet you.


You can also tell your interest. However, it depends on who you are introducing.


- Hello. My name is ... and I love playing guitar.

- I am ... and you might know me as...

- My name is ... and ... is my passion.


What do you do?

In the second part you have to tell what you do. If you are introducing yourself at a professional level, then this second part is the most important. Share information like your job title, company, experience. 


- I am a .... at...

- I am currently working at ... as ...

- I work as...

- I’m self-employed


Along with this, tell in plain English what you do in your job. Keep your sentences short so that the person in front can understand them easily. 


- I supervise.../I oversee...

- My responsibilities include...

- I am currently handling...


What do people want to know?


This is the most important part of the introduction. According to whom you are talking to, you have to tell what the other person wants to know. If you are giving a job interview, then you can also tell about your future goals.

If you are giving a presentation, then tell what is your subject.


Today, I’d like to walk you through...

For the next 15 minutes, I’m going to explain...

I am here to answer you queries regarding...

If you frame your introduction in 3 parts, then you will be able to present yourself in a better way. Make sure to practice your introduction as well. Always keep improving your communication skills and keep learning new things.


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