Google Adsense Account Approval Trick 2021?


 Google Adsense Account Approval Trick 2021?

 Google Adsense Account Approval Trick 2021?

1. Write High-Quality Contents.

Content is the King - Content is king. Content means whatever article or post you write is called. So what is this high-quality content? If your content is new, different from others and it has not been copied from anywhere, then it is called quality content.

Those who are new bloggers, they think that we will copy from others and create our new content. But Google is not so stupid. He checks every page indexed in Google, so you cannot easily fool him. If you believe that you will get an Adsense account approved by copying, then forget to dream that dream.

Each of your posts should be at least 500 words and also 100% original. This increases your chances of approval by 90%. The more you describe your article, the better it will be for your blog.

2. Blog Domain Age.

According to Google's guideline, there has been some restriction on Adsense in some Asian countries. According to this, you cannot apply for Adsense before 6 months. If you apply then there is a lot of chance of your application being rejected. But I found Google Adsense Approval in one of my blogs in just 1 month. But all my content in that blog were of high quality. If all your contents are very good and brand new, then you can also try. And what should your address be approve as well.

3. Sufficient Contents or Posts.

It is not written anywhere that your blog needs so many posts, you have to apply for Adsense. But it is important to have a sufficient post in your blog. Agra, if you write a post of 300 words, then it is good for you to write at least 40-50, and if all your contents are 500-700 words, then you will write 20 posts even if it is written.The more words you write the content, the more chances of approval increase. So always pay attention to your contents.

4. Do not enter Copyright Materials.

If you get any text, image, video or any such thing from the Internet, then you cannot use it directly in your blog. Because it is not yours. If you give them credit, then it is a different thing. If you modify any content, you can also add it. If you have his permission or have made that thing on your own, then there is no issue in it.

5. Other Ad Networks.

Like Adsense, there are many advertising networks. If your blog already has adverts from ad network, then remove them before applying. Your chances of approval increase in this. Why Adsense does not support some advertising networks, if you are also one of them, then your application can also be rejected.

6. User Friendly Design.

The design of your blog should be user-friendly. This means that it is important to be mobile-friendly and along with that there should be navigation, through which any visitor can easily read your blog and go to the page they want. Do not put extra widgets, images. This makes a difference in your design and along with it increases the loading speed of your site, which is not right for you.

7. Please enter all these pages.

Do put pages like About, Contact, Disclaimer etc. in your blog. There are some such blogs, in spite of which all these are not Adsense approved, but it is a matter of luck. If you add all these pages to your blog, then your chances will increase even more.It has also been seen that Adsense approves some blogs also because they have all these pages. All these pages are necessary for a blog. Through which your visitors get information about your blog or website.

8. Do not add too much image.

If you fill your blog with images and apply for Adsense, then your application will be rejected. Why Google can't read an image. Google can just read the text. It is important to have as much text as possible in your blog.If you are using image then it is good but do not forget to put ALT tag in the whole image. Google knows the text you write in the ALT tag, and it considers your image to be text.

9.Do not buy Visitor.

Google likes real visitors, who come from search results or from social networking sites. You can also buy visitors for the traffic of your blog, but for that you will have to forget Adsense. Why Adsense does not like paid traffic. If your account is also approved, then you will not have much time to lose it.

10.Use Question Hub

All the questions that come up in Google Question Hub are all new. You will not find such keywords and other websites. If you write an article on those questions, then the chance of getting Adsense Approval increases.

Google always gives more importance to new and fresh articles. If you write an article on the questions asked 1-2 days ago, then no one would have written it. You just have to write in the details.

If 50 visitors come to your blog every day, then there is so much to apply Adsense. You do not have to worry about the visitor. Because Adsense sees the quality of your site, visitors don't see it.

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