coronavirus, new symptoms 2021.


 Know what is coronavirus, symptoms and prevention?

Excess of patients with new symptoms

Currently some new symptoms of corona are emerging like: - The appearance of spots and swelling on the tongue, redness on the skin, burning sensation on the skin, burning sensation in the soles of the feet, swelling of the soles of the feet, skin allergy, diarrhea, vomiting diarrhea. , Indigestion, abdominal pain, runny nose, dry cough, fever.

Early symptoms of corona: -

Initially in people with corona virus

• High fever


•Common cold

• Sore throat

• Shortness of breath

• Splitting headache

Common symptoms of covid-19: -

There are some common symptoms of corona virus that need to be cautious.

• Body aches and pains

• sore throat

• diarrhea

• Eye drops / Eye problems

• headache

• Loss of taste or smell

• Skin rash or biting of fingers or toes, pricking, redness,

Severe symptoms of corona virus: -

• difficulty breathing or shortness of breath

• Oxygen level fall

• Complaint of chest pain or pressure

• Trouble speaking and walking

• Breakdown of the body

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