How to make Free Blog and Website?

How to make a website ? How to make a blog ?
How to make a website ? How to make a blog ?
If you have heard or know about making money from Internet , then you must know that you can easily earn money sitting at home through a blog or website. Internet is the most unique abisker in today's world. The most popular thing in the online world is websites and blogs.

If you need information about anything or want a solution to any problem, then you search in Google without thinking. There you get lots of solutions. In a way, you can also say that there is no more knowledge source than Internet and nothing else.

But have you ever thought that the solutions or knowledge that we get from searching on Google, where it comes from. Does Google write these solutions for you? No, all this information gives you different websites and blogs. The work of Google is that it stores the links of those website / blog in its database and shows it in search results.

What is a website?

What is a website?

Before knowing how to make a website, it is important to know what is a website ? What is the difference between a website and a blog? When we talk about a website, then a company comes into focus. Which only does one thing.
Facebook , which is a company and also the world's largest social networking website. Its job is that through this you can chat with your friends, family online and share your photos and videos. In the same way, Google is also a website, which sees the results of searches of people.

How to make a free website

A lot of things are required to build a website and first of all it is important to have knowledge of money (money), then hosting and lastly web programming like (HTML, CSS, Javascript , PHP, .Net) etc. If you have money, then you can give this work to a web developer. According to your needs, they will design your website. But remember one thing, for this you will have to invest a lot of money.
If you want to know how to build a website under your own name, then you can also make it easily. There are some websites that provide you an online platform, through which you can easily make your website without touching coding.
I have given the name of some website below, where you can register and make your website by its website builder. If you want more information, you can ask me, I will give full information about it in another post.
   1) (Most popular and easy to use)

What is a blog?

What is a blog?
Blog's concept is completely different from website. Blog is a means of knowledge. Suppose you have a company in which you make some products. You have also created a website for him. But the blog helps to promote your products in the outside world.
The details of those products you share through blogs, that's why blogging is so popular. When you search for information about something in Google, most of the results come from the blog. So you must have understood the basic thing that blog kya hai.

How to create a free blog

Free blog is that in which you do not have to spend a single penny. If you want to learn blogging, first you should start from free. When you understand its concept of good, how it works, then you can invest in it.
There are 2 popular platforms for making free blog; Blogger and WordPress . I told you in details in the previous post , what is good and what is bad in Blogger vs WordPress . So today we will know that free blog kaise banate hai.

How to Create Free blog into Blogger ?

How to Create Free blog into Blogger ?

I told you in a previous post that Blogger (Blogspot) is a product of Google. So there is no need to create an account in it. If you have a gmail account, you can access it through it . So let's start.
1) Open any web browser in your computer and go to or .
2) Here you login by giving your Gmail ID and Password. If you are already logged into Google, then Sayyid should not ask you to login.
3) After login, there you will find a button in the left side called " New Blog ". Click here
4) A new popup window will open in your browser, where you have to enter the details of your new blog.
Title : Here is the name of your blog.

Address : Here you have to give a unique name, which no one has given before. If your name is unique then it will tell you,
This blog address is available ".
 For a great name, read: Best Domain Name Selection Kaise Karen .

Template : This is the design of your blog. Meaning how your blog will look. You can also change it later.
5) After all the fill-up, “Create blog! Click on the "button".
Now your blog is ready. Address Field will be your whatever name, they address your Blog, Jaise K Free blog always comes with a sub-domain and that is .
 See, making a blog is very easy.

How to create Free Blog / Website in WordPress?

How to create Free Blog / Website in WordPress?
Creating a blog in WordPress is as easy as Blogger. So let's start.
1) Go to website in your computer .
2) There you will get 2 options, one is for website and the other is for blog . There is no difference between the two, just gives you the opportunity to choose different themes according to the website and blog. You select any option.
3) I selected " Blog " and in the next page it asks you the category of your blog . I selected " Writing & Books " here .
4) In the next page, a sub-category of your category will be shown. You select any one.
5) Then you have to select a theme, which will be the design of your blog.
6) In the next page, you have to select a domain name for your WordPress blog , which is unique. Then you have to click in the option of " Free ".
7) In the Plans page, select the option of " Free ".
8) Now you have to create your account. Here you just have to enter your email id and password and click on " Create My Account " button.
Now your wordpress blog is ready. Just once you have to open your email account and verify the email of wordpress. Comes with your website / blog .wordpress extension. Whenever you want to login to your account, you can do it through
But there is a problem in this that you cannot customize it according to your mind. For that you have to use self-hosted WordPress. For that you will need to have a domain and hosting . Once you buy both of these, you will be able to know the process of installing WordPress by clicking here . You are seeing all the big blogs and news sites on the internet, almost all of them have been made on this platform. If you just want to learn how to run it, then free one is right for you.

Blog and website Recipe

Hopefully you have understood how to create a website and how to create a blog. It is very easy. You just have to follow some simple steps. If you want any information related to this, you can ask me. I will try to help as much as possible. If you like this article, then share it with your friends and also help them to create their own blog

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