Learn What is seo ?


What is seo ?

world of digital marketing and internet depends on the word "seo" of this three word. Very large companies that sell their Proudct and servies online. She spends her millions on just seo.

  • What is the seo full Explain? 
is going to tell you about it in simple words. If you read this post carefully, then you will easily know about seo.

SEO has full form search engine optimization. Which is directly related to the search engine. seo There are rules to bring your website to the top in a type of search engine so that traffic can increase on our website. If you follow these rules, then your website appears on the first page in the search engine.It is important to bring the website to the first page because most people prefer to visit the website that comes on the first page and for this we have to follow Seo.
Any company or person makes his website so that he can sell his service and product, but if only traffic does not visit his website, then how will he sell his product. So we have to do search engine optimization to get our website to the first page. Which increase traffic on our website. Due to increase in traffic on websites, our online earning increases. Also, the value of the website increases in the search engine, which increases the ranking of the website.

For example :

Search engine optimization is exactly like traffic rules. Just like we need Roadmap to run traffic smoothly so that people do not face any problem and can quickly reach their target by choosing their right path, just like Seo is also a search engine Traffic Rules. So that when searching anything, it gets the right information quickly. For this, there is a roadmap of search engine called Seo (Search engine optimization). Both Seo and traffic rules work for people. So that our journey is good. 

Like if you search for "what is seo?" 

but the result that comes is about something else, then you have to search again and again which means that your journey and user experience is poor.

Therefore, the google search engine uses Seo factor to increase its user experience so that they can give information fastly and correctly to their user.

Every search engine has its own seo factor. In today's time, Google is the largest search engine which is the most used in the whole world. google works on about 200 Seo factor.

If you want to understand Seo in one line then you should know that google likes the content that the user likes to read. Whose content automatically goes to the first page. And if you do not like, then it slowly goes down. This is the most important factor of google seo.

  • What is a search engine?

First of all it is very important for you to know what is the search engine. A search engine is such an Alogrithum that works to give the correct information of the information we have searched on the internet, for which it fastly crawl, index and rank the information in its data base which is called SERP (Search engine Result Page). Seo has a huge role to bring any page to the top in search results. google, yahoo, bing is all this search engine.

SERP - When you search in any search engine like what is Seo english then the list that comes after it is called Search Engine Result page i.e. SERP.

In today's time the google search engine is the most popular because if we have to search for anything, then we use google search engine. 70 Precent people in the world use google.
Do you know when you search anything on google, then google uses 200 factor to give you the best result, which is according to these criteria of article google, same show you on the first page of Google🔍. Which you can get the right information

  • How to work Search engine?

Like if you search for "what is seo?" then the search engine brings the crawling and indexed ranking list in front of you. The bots and spider of the search engine crawl and index for 24 hours continuously and make their ranking list. And as soon as you do some search, then you see it on the search engine result page (SERP).

By the way, all search engines have different technic to work. But every search engine works in three steps.

  1. Crawling
  2. Indexing
  3. Ranking
Now you must have understood what the search engine is and how it works. Therefore, now you will be able to understand the search engine optimally. Because seo is directly related to the search engine.


Type of Search Engine Optimization

1. On page Seo
2. Off page Seo

Search engine optimization has two important factors. First of all we talk about on page Seo as it is the most important factor to increase organic traffic on the website.

To setup your website according to search engine optimize, the work that is done on it is called on page SEO.

By doing this, your organic traffic increases. Directing your website by searching keyword on google is called organic traffic.

On page SEO has many factors, with the help of which you can optimize your website for on page, we are going to tell you some common factors

  1. websites design
  2. website speed
  3. Website Structure
  4. Website Fevicon
  5. Mobile-friendly 
  6. Website Title 
  7. Tag Meta 
  8. Description
  9. Keyword Density
  10. Image Alt Tag

  • URL Structure
  • Internal Links
  • Highlight Important Keyword
  • Use Heading Tag
  • Post-Good Length
  • Google Sitemap
  • Check Broken Links
  • SEO Friendly URL
  • Google Analytics
  • Social Media Button
  • HTML Page Size
  • Clear Page Cache
  • Website security HTTPS
  • Off Page Seo

  • To rank your website and post in the search engine, promoting its link on the internet is called off Page SEO.

    When your post is promoted and shared on the internet, it gets some signal to the search engine. Which search engine increases the ranking of that post.

    There are many ways to do Off Page SEO. With the help of which you can increase the traffic of your website by increasing the ranking of your post. We are telling you how to do something off page.

    1.Social Networking Site 

    • * Facebook
    • * Facebook page
    • * Facebook group
    • * Twitter
    • * Google plus etc

    2.Social Bookmarking Site

    • * Tumblr
    • * Pinterest
    • * Diggo
    • * Digg
    • * Linkedin
    • * Reddit
    • * Stumbleupon
    • * Delicious etc
    • *Guest Posting

    4.Forum Posting

    5.Blog Commenting
    6.Blog Directory Submission
    7.Search Engine Submission
    8.Classifieds Submission Site
    9.Video Sharing site
    10.Photo Sharing site
    11.Question and Answering Site
    Type of Seo Techniques

    *White hat seo
    *Black hat seo

    There are also two types of Seo Techniques. Which is very important for you to understand. If you do not understand them, then instead of increasing traffic, you damage your website.

    • White hat SEO

    When you do search engine optimization and link building for your website by natural way, it is called white hat SEO. Best Hindi Blog and Blogger of India use this Technique, it is very good for your website. With increasing the value of the website, it also increases traffic.
    What is White Hat SEO? And why is it important?

    We all know how important it is to SEO a website to increase traffic on any website. For this, we have to follow many factors of seo. Today we will tell you about the white hat Seo Technique, what is White Hat Seo and how to use it.

    People who have been blogging for a long time are well aware of black hat and white hat SEO. But the new blogger who has started blogging career does not know about both the importent techniques of seo, black hat seo and white hat seo. So if you want to make a career in blogging, then you should know about it.
    Because when we do search engine optimization i.e. SEO. So let the new bloggers inadvertently make such a mistake. Which turns white hat seo into black hat seo. For example, using a keyword more than the limit of search engine guidelines is called Keyword Stuffing.

    Black hat SEO has a very bad effect on our website. Which your website cannot be ranked in the search engine. And your website can also be blocked by search engine. So you should know about seo technique.
      Many new bloggers get worried when the names of these two seo techniques grow, but you do not have to worry. Because we are going to explain you in very simple words.
      There are many posts of white hat seo vs black hat seo on the Internet. But no one has told white hat seo and black hat seo separately. So in this post we will tell you about white hat seo so that new blogger can understand about seo technique very well.

    * What is white hat Seo?

    There are two ways of doing everything. A bad and a good or a shortcut and a straight path seo techniques works in the internet world also.

    Now it depends on us which way we have to go. If we go on a shortcut or a bad path. So we can never reach our destination whereas if we reach our destination directly or on a good path. Even if it takes a little longer.

    White hat seo is also one such path by following which you can become a successful and famous blogger. For this, you have to SEO your website and post according to the rules of Google or all other search engines.

    If we tell you in a line, then every search engine has some guidelines and rules. We have to do the search engine optimization of our website only by following them. Which we call white hat seo. This is very important for our website.

    • How to use white hat SEO Technique

    • Quality content

    You must have heard from your every blogger saying that content is King. Because if your written article is quality content and not quantity, then it will automatically rank in the search engine. This is the biggest example of white hat SEO.

    • Website speed

    The website which opens quickly. He benefits more from the search engine than the rest of the website.

    • Easy and Good Navigate

    The more well designed and easy the structure of your website and post is, the more users will like it and the users like it. He likes google and all other search engines.

    • Title and Meta Description

    The title and Meta Description of the post should be kept according to the same post. Do not repeat keywords in Title and Meta Description. And in your Meta Description, use only the keyword related to the post.

    Using Keywords

    Every search engine works on the keyword itself. But for this you should use the keyword at the right place in the post like

    • Post Title

    *Post URL
    *First paragraph of the post
    *Text of the post
    *Heading Elements like as H1,H2,H3 etc
    *Meta Description
    *Image alt tag
    *Last paragraph of the post

    *Keyword density

    It is very important to take care of keyword density while writing your post. Otherwise your white hat SEO post will turn into black hat. So use only 2-5% of keywords in your post. And use the related keyword only from that post.

    Quality BACKLINKING and link building

    Getting link building and backlink for your website from the same website as yours increases the rich of your website in the search engine. It is used as both black hat and white hat seo. If you make a link to your website in a natural way, then it is white hat seo. Otherwise black hat SEO

    . This is a method that every blogger has to follow. So you too follow it. And if you find this post helpfull.please follow 


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