Bollywood drama queen Rakhi Sawant is often in the news due to her controversial statements. Recently, Rakhi Sawant has shared a video giving a controversial statement. In this video, Rakhi Sawant is sharing her 'private' things with her fans.
Due to this, Rakhi Sawant is unable to have a physical relationship with her husband |
Mumbai. Bollywood drama queen Rakhi Sawant is often in the news due to her controversial statements. Rakhi Sawant is very active on social media. Recently, Rakhi Sawant has shared a video giving a controversial statement. In this video, Rakhi Sawant is sharing her 'private' things with her fans. Also, Rakhi also told about her new love. This video of Rakhi Sawant is going viral.
Rakhi Sawant has a video on InstagramIt is written while sharing - 'Love is in the air ... in my heart! Who's my new love ??? For which beating heart repeatedly ?? Surprise to all of you ... It's not about my husband !! #RakhiNewLove #NoTimeForSex '. Rakhi Sawant tells her fans in this video that she is so lost in her new love that she is not even getting time to make a physical connection. See also this video of Rakhi Sawant ...
Rakhi Sawant has a video on InstagramIt is written while sharing - 'Love is in the air ... in my heart! Who's my new love ??? For which beating heart repeatedly ?? Surprise to all of you ... It's not about my husband !! #RakhiNewLove #NoTimeForSex '. Rakhi Sawant tells her fans in this video that she is so lost in her new love that she is not even getting time to make a physical connection. See also this video of Rakhi Sawant ...
Let us know that recently Rakhi Sawant has made a shocking disclosure about the casting couch. In this revelation, Rakhi told how the directors used to call them in the initial phase and used to close the door. According to a report by website Koimoi, in a recent interview, Rakhi Sawant made many shocking revelations.
Rakhi told that film producers and directors used to call her with ulterior motives. Rakhi says, 'I came here and I achieved everything on my own. My name was Neeru Bheda earlier. When I used to go for audition, the director-producer used to speak to show me 'talent'. I did not know at that time what tank they were talking about.
Please tell that Rakhi Sawant is in the discussion about her marriage for the past many days. They married on July 28 at the JW Marriott in Mumbai. She also shared pictures in her bride's avatar but did not show a single photo of her husband. Rakhi says that her husband does not like the media and the camera. Till date, everyone is waiting to see the picture of Rakhi's husband.
Let us know that recently Rakhi Sawant has made a shocking disclosure about the casting couch. In this revelation, Rakhi told how the directors used to call them in the initial phase and used to close the door. According to a report by website Koimoi, in a recent interview, Rakhi Sawant made many shocking revelations.
Rakhi told that film producers and directors used to call her with ulterior motives. Rakhi says, 'I came here and I achieved everything on my own. My name was Neeru Bheda earlier. When I used to go for audition, the director-producer used to speak to show me 'talent'. I did not know at that time what tank they were talking about.
Please tell that Rakhi Sawant is in the discussion about her marriage for the past many days. They married on July 28 at the JW Marriott in Mumbai. She also shared pictures in her bride's avatar but did not show a single photo of her husband. Rakhi says that her husband does not like the media and the camera. Till date, everyone is waiting to see the picture of Rakhi's husband.