Diabetes: Not just sugar, these 12 things also increase sugar

The number of diabetics is increasing rapidly in the world. 
When diabetes is out of control, the possibility of heart disease, kidney related problems, blindness etc. increases. In this case, the most important is to control sugar level, which requires special care of food. Today, we are going to tell you about some of the things that should be avoided by diabetic patients because they work to increase sugar level.
Remember it can be corrected by controlling the diets in diabetes because the sugar levels can decrease and increase from the diet itself.


How much sugar level should it be?

Blood sugar should always be checked in an empty stomach. For this, you should be hungry for 8 to 10 hours. At the same time the normal amount of empty stomach blood sugar level is 70 to 110 mg / dl and after eating the normal amount of sugar should be 140 to 160 mg / dl.

Do these 10 things to avoid 

dry fruits

Fruits are a source of natural sugar but when the fruits get dry, they lose their content and only sugar and carbohydrates remain in them. Increasing their sugar levels can cause problems for you. It would be better if you eat fresh seasonal fruits.

Flavored curd

The diabetic patient should also not consume flavored curd. Actually, plain curd contains probiotics, which keep the sugar in control. But there is a shortage of flavored curd, which keeps the sugars intact. However its consumption is beneficial for type 2 diabetes patients.

Fat meat

Meat such as beef and salmon is saturated fat, which increases the risk of heart disease in diabetics. Actually, cholesterol increases with sugar levels, which can be dangerous for you. Instead you can take a skin lace chicken and fish.

White pasta

Consumption of white pasta can also increase blood glucose in the body. Actually there is a carbohydrate that is not good for diabetics. So if you are a patient of diabetes then leave it to it even today. 

Trans fat and canned food

Packaged trans fat food such as chips, cookies, peanut butter, is also harmful for diabetics. Trans Fat Inflammation works to increase insulin resistance and obesity as these are made from hydrogen in unsaturated fatty acids.

Honey and other natural sweeteners

These substances also work to increase blood sugar levels. Although they are not processed as much, but they are found to be the same as carbohydrate of white sugar, which is harmful for you.

Fried Foods

Usually people think that the salted and fried food will not affect the sugar level, which is absolutely wrong. The batter is immersed in high carbohydrates to make Fried Fruits. Apart from this, refined oil is used to make them, which is harmful in diabetes.

Full cream dairy products

Dairy products such as cream cheese, ice cream, full cream milk have saturated fats, which can damage insulin resistance. So try to avoid full cream dairy products and eat instead of fat free or low fat items.

Cereals in breakfast

Breakfast Cereals are an important part of everyday breakfast but they contain a lot of sugar, which is harmful to diabetics. Actually, there is a high GI (glycemic index) in the grain, which is easily absorbed in the body and increases the sugar.  It would be better if you do not eat them in the breakfast.

White bread and rice

White bread and rice are refined carbohydrates and they also lack protein and fiber. It changes rapidly into sugar, which can be harmful to you. Instead you can eat brown bread, brown rice and whole grains.

sugar beets

Although beetroot is beneficial for health, but diabetic patients should not eat it. It has a lot of sweetness, which works to increase sugar levels.

Potato and sweet potato

Diet patients should not eat potato and sankkarakandi as it also contains starch.  Although you may want to eat occasionally boiled sugarcane, but in small quantities.

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